Year 7 & 8
The Ministry of Education has created an online learning site:
The other links on this page are to free online learning sites.
Some require no sign in, others require students to sign up for a free account with their email address, and some allow teachers to create classes and send their class a join code. Creating a class usually allows teachers to monitor their students' progress and shows strengths and needs for each student.
Note: when using sites that are not New Zealand based: Year 7/8 NZ = Level 4 NZ Curriculum = 7th Grade USA = KS3 UK
(Key Stage 3 (KS3) is the UK level for 11-14 year olds. You will find that upper KS2 and lower KS3 tasks equivalent to NZ Year 7/8 curriculum.)
Parents can access the same N4L internet filters as schools use, for free, by going to
to find instructions for their child's device.

Sign up online at The Tasman District Library, allowing access to e-books, audio books and videos. There is also a kids page with 'stay at home fun' activities.
NZ Maths has weekly online plans for curriculum levels 1-5. Teachers need to sign their class up for E-ako maths, which is quick and easy to do. The site also contains numerous investigations and rich tasks for teachers to choose from and information for whanau.
Access the entire School Journal library, as well as Connected resources online. NZ MoE site.
Esther, from the Suter Art Gallery shares artwork you can do at home in the style of a known artist, using materials you are likely to have at home, in 'Stay at Home Art Adventures with Esther'.
Learn Te Reo Māori through watching episodes of a story, with interactive activities to follow each episode.
Fascinating Online Reading on thousands of topics. Lots of science and technology topics included.
No sign in required.
Learn Computer Science basics away from the screen with these activities you can do at home.
Practise maths skills, in a game-based environment. The game adapts to your level, so it may be too easy or too difficult to start with, but it will adapt. Teachers can set up a class and send students a code to join their class so they can identify learning needs for each student.
You can learn any subject for free, from Y1-Y13 on Khan Academy.
Teachers can set tasks for their class and invite students to join their class using a code.
Khan Academy currently has suggested programmes for each day linked here.
Reading comprehension with interactive questions and answers. Teachers can create a class to see their students' progress. Text difficulty adapts to the reading level of each student.
Learn coding, for all levels. Set up a free account if you want to save your task and come back to it later. Teachers can create classes and set tasks and programmes suitable for their students.
A new picture, with writing and sentence structure activities, for every day of the year. No sign in required.
Digital Maths adventures from NZ Maths. Teachers, create accounts for your students. Free and based on NZ curriculum.
Learn a language - lots to choose from. Duolingo is an interactive site, with game elements to motivate. There is also a Duolingo app, that will send students reminders to practice.
You will be able to animate bouncing balls, build a swarm of robots, and make virtual fireworks explode.