“Research tells us that wellbeing, or lack of it, has a clear influence on student learning.
When our young people feel safe and supported in their school environment they are more engaged and ready to learn.” (Iona Holsted, Secretary for Education, New Zealand, 2017.)
Te Rito Toi helps teachers work with children when they first return to school following major traumatic or life changing events.
It includes advice for teachers and principals, lesson plans for NZC Levels 1-4, to support students to re-engage with learning, and research behind The Arts and social and emotional learning.
Funded by the MoE, the Wellbeing Guides have been developed by Julie McCormack (Clinical Psychologist) with support from Future Curious Limited.
Module 1: Hauora/well-being in uncertain times.
Module 2: School closures and learning from home.
Module 3: Preparing for and returning to school.
This essential resource supports teachers, leaders, and school boards in creating effective teaching and learning programmes, as well as whole-school approaches to mental health education.
Schools in the Waimea Kahui Ako have engaged in bite sized learning modules for Hauora PLD from 2024.
NZIWR is dedicated to increasing wellbeing for communities and organisations in Aotearoa. The resources section includes links to videos and downloads.
An Education Review Office publication, developed to help schools evaluate and improve student wellbeing.

5 Elements of Well-being
(Dr. Martin Seligman's PERMA model)
P – Positive Emotions
Feeling positive emotions such as joy, gratitude, interest, hope.
E – Engagement
Being fully absorbed in activities that use your skills yet challenge you.
R – Relationships
Having positive relationships.
M – Meaning
Belonging to and serving something you believe is bigger than yourself.
A – Accomplishment
Pursuing success, winning achievement and mastery.
Ref: https://positivepsychologyprogram.com/what-is-positive-education#definition-positive-education