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Covid 19 Updates

15 May 2020

Kia ora Koutou

Welcome to Alert level 2.

We are very much looking forward to seeing all our staff and students back on site in our schools.   Over the last several weeks learning and teaching has looked incredibly different to anything we thought we may have been planning at the beginning of the year.  Congratulations to all of our teachers for the on-line programmes you have provided for our tamariki to continue their education.  A massive congratulations also to the families / parents / caregivers who supported the continuity of learning both on-line and also the for creative and unplugged opportunities you were able to provide in your bubbles.

The emphasis for all our schools over the coming days, weeks (and possibly months) will be on well-being and transitioning our students and families back into the school setting.  Over the last few weeks our community may have experienced many different emotions, anxieties and stresses but also some fantastic family times also.

Our communities need to know that our schools are safe places to be - physically and emotionally and all of the research shows that the most important thing to get right is the positive relationships we have with our colleagues, students and families.

So as we head into the next few weeks look after yourselves and look after each other.


Kia Kaha


21 April 2020


Kia Ora Koutou


As announced by the Government on Monday, New Zealand will move to Covid 19 Alert level 3 at midnight next Monday 27 April.  Alert level 3 means that Early Childhood Centres and schools up to Year 10 can open for students who need to attend from Wednesday 29 April.  The need to attend is in order for parents / caregivers to return to work if they are required to do so.

The government strongly emphasises that where returning to school is not a necessity, children continue learning from home.

Our schools are currently in the process of ensuring school sites are safe and ready for staff and students to re-enter and that all necessary protocols and safety measures are in place before Wednesday next week. For those students who need to learn on site, their school day will look largely different to how it may have looked before (eg bubbles of 10, a large amount of school equipment will be unavailable such as playgrounds, movement around the school and interaction with peers will be restricted) so we need to be very aware of the impact this may have on individual students.

At this time it is important for all of us to work together to ensure we are doing all we can to keep ourselves and our tamariki safe and to ensure that the well-being of our community remains at the forefront.

Please continue to send through information and resources that you have found helpful in order to support all schools and whanau in our community - continuing to work together will benefit us all in the long run.


Kia Kaha


9th April 2020

Kia Ora, 

We hope that all our families and whanau are keeping safe and enjoying their 'bubble'.  

As you will know our schools on-line learning platforms will begin next week(if they haven't already).  Teachers across our community have been working in the background to ensure that opportunities for distance learning can be successful.

If you require further support or resources please use this link to access our website page:  On-line Learning.  This is a work in progress and we will continue to add other sites and on-line learning resources as they become available.  

Also available are a number of resources for schools, classroom teachers and also parents / whanau to help work through distance learning options.  Links to these are below and will also be added to as more becomes available.


Enabling E-learning Webinars for Teachers


Principals Federation - Message from the President


Ministry of Education - Special Bulletins

Core Education: So You're the Teacher Now


Core Education: Engaging Junior Learners and Whanau From Home

Core Education: Teens Learning from home, What to Consider

Core Education: Strategies for Supporting Young Children's Learning

Internet safety filter for home from MoE, N4L and Netsafe NZ:

Ministry of Education wellbeing resource for parents and teachers  

Netsafe: updated information for students, whanau and schools

Looking after mental health and well-being during Covid-19

The links below, from the MoE, cover several well-being related posts:

We hope our students, families / whanau, teachers and school leaders enjoy the Easter weekend - even though it may look a little different to how we may have spent the holiday in previous years.


Kia kaha

Stay strong


31st March 2020


The Waimea Kahui Ako wishes all schools, families / whanau and our wider community best wishes for the weeks ahead.

We are in unprecedented times with the COVID 19 situation unfolding as we move into self-isolation and distance learning opportunities. It is a time when the well-being and safety of our students, families, staff and the wider community is paramount. The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education continue to provide up to date information and continue to guide schools as distance learning opportunities for all students are put in place. 

The Ministry of Education have brought the school holidays forward, starting on Monday 30th March for two weeks. At the end of this time distance learning opportunities will be in place to support learning at home. We are mindful of stresses and anxieties that our students, staff and families are facing and it will be very important to focus on your individual family situation and what this will look like moving forward.

Working together as a community and take all necessary steps and precautions in order to overcome this pandemic will more quickly allow our community to reestablish our face-to-face learning and communication.
Look after each other and be safe.

Kia Kaha
Stay strong

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