Principal Group
Lead Principal
Justine McDonald
Support Principals
Maureen Phillips
Justin Neal
Our principals meet regularly, to discuss and make decisions around the work of our kāhui ako.
Justin Neal (Appleby School),
Glenda Earle (Brightwater School),
John Maguire (Garin College),
John Armstrong (Henley School),
Kathrine Mytton (Hope School),
Dave Sampson (Ranzau School),
Tim Brenton (Richmond Primary School),
Maureen Phillips (Saint Pauls Catholic School),
Ellie Salcin-Watts (Salisbury School),
Fraser Hill (Waimea College),
Justine McDonald (Waimea Intermediate School),
Freya Hogarth (Wakefield School)
Across School Teacher Team

Ryan Higgins
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Rintoul tōku maunga.
Ko Wairoa tōku awa.
Ko Brightwater tōku kainga tuturu.
Ko Whakatu tōku kainga inaianei.
Ko Richmond tōku kura.
Ko Ryan tōku ingoa.
No reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
Kia Ora.
I am Ryan Higgins and I am the Deputy Principal at Richmond Primary School. Up until 2020, I had been a full time teacher and have taught across all primary school year levels, most of the time with Year 5&6 students. Now I am in a full time management role at school.
My expertise would be looking at ways of enhancing effective pedagogy using technology, specifically taking on the challenge of improving engagement and achievement with boys writing.
I look forward to being part of the Waimea Kahui Ako and helping to build on the success that the previous AST’s have achieved.
Nga mihi nui.

Paula Campbell
Ko Paula Campbell taku ingua
Ko Ngati Pakeha te iwi
Ko Richmond Hills te maunga
Ko Tasman te moana
Ko McIntyre toku whanau
No Mawhera ahau
Ko Mac tamatane, Ko Anna tamahine
Ko Ray makau
Ko Paula Campbell taku ingua
Kia Ora Koutou.
My name is Paula Campbell and I teach social sciences at Waimea College. I have two children thriving in our Kahui Ako and my husband is a tutor at NMIT. We love living in this region and making the most of every sunny weekend. My career in secondary schools spans 16 years and I have become increasingly interested in how we holistically prepare our young people for life beyond school. Since the CoL started, I have held a Within School Teacher role, developing Positive Education practices at Waimea College. The importance of a wellbeing approach to schooling is becoming increasingly valued by society and I look forward to bringing my passion and knowledge in this area to the Across School Teacher role. Nga Mihi Nui.

Struan McKenzie
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Tu Ao Wharepapa tōku maunga.
Ko Motueka tōku awa.
Nō Tamaki Makaurau ahau.
Ko Motueka toku kainga.
Ko Te Kura ō Waipiata tōku kura.
Ko Struan tōku ingoa.
No reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
Kia Ora Koutou
My name is Struan McKenzie and I am a Deputy Principal at Brightwater School. Throughout my career, I have taught across most year levels including the last 4 years with Year 5 & 6 students. Previously I worked in schools in the Motueka area and have also worked as an AST in the Motueka Kāhui Ako for two years. I had a stint as an Education Advisor at the Ministry of Education in 2022.
I live in Motueka with my wife Melissa and three of our four children. Our eldest daughter studies over in Wellington.
My focus area is in Culturally Responsive Practice, which I have experience in working with the Motueka Kāhui Ako on the Relationships Based Learning project using the research of Russell Bishop.
Nga mihi nui.

Dianne Giraud
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Maungawhau tōku
Ko Te Wai o Taiki tōku awa.
Nō Tāmaki Makaurau ahau.
Ko Whakatu toku kainga.
Ko Waimea Intermediate tōku kura.
Ko Giraud tōku whanau
Ko Di tōku ingoa.
No reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa.
Kia Ora Koutou
My name is Dianne Giraud and I currently teach STEAM with the aim to inspire inquiry and curiosity. I love to empower students to ask thought-provoking questions that promote creativity, exploration, and to connect their problem-solving to real-world solutions.
I have an awareness of how wellbeing impacts on families. I am compassionate and excited to be part of this mahi to deliver, programmes and services focused on building hauora and positive relationship across our community.
I am looking forward working and learning alongside colleagues, parents, iwi, and Pasifika advisors and community groups to provide education programmes to deliver equitable and excellent outcomes.
Nga mihi nui.

Julie Heath
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Wharepapa tōku maunga
Ko Motueka tōku awa
Nō Motueka ahau
Kei Whakatū tōku kāinga ināianei
Ko Ranzau tōku kura
Ko Nigel Heath tōku tāne
Toko rua āku tamariki
Ko Julie Heath tōku ingoa
No reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tatou katoa
My name is Julie Heath and I teach Year 3-4 students in a collaborative learning space at Ranzau School, also holding the position of SENCO. During my career I have taught children ranging from Years 2 to Year 7, at three schools within the Waimea Kahui Ako, and one school in Stoke. Over my career I have taught many children with diverse learning, health and behavioural needs, and am passionate about supporting tamariki to achieve best possible outcomes. I am married to Nigel and we have two adult children whose schooling was within our Kahui Ako. I look forward to being part of the Waimea Kahui Ako AST team, bringing a learning support perspective to work alongside teaching colleagues and support staff in the areas of professional learning and strengthening student transition.
We have at least one within school teacher position allocated to each school. In some cases the role is being shared between two people.
Justine McDonald (Principal Waimea Intermediate)
Justin Neal (Principal Appleby School)
Maureen Phillips (Principal St Pauls School)
Sarah Hewison (Nelson Tasman Kindergarten)
Melanie Welch (Waimea College Board of Trustees)
Joanne Kininmonth (Waimea College Board of Trustees)