The Waimea Community of Learning/Kāhui Ako is made up of 12 schools located on the Waimea Plains region of Tasman District. There are two secondary schools, an intermediate school, eight primary schools and a residential school for girls. The schools in the Waimea CoL/Kāhui Ako are a mixture of smaller and larger schools, several in rural and semi-rural locations, and several, including Henley School, Waimea Intermediate and Waimea College, occupying a shared campus in Richmond township. Garin College is a state integrated secondary school and St Paul’s Catholic School is a state integrated full primary school. Salisbury School is a residential girls’ school.

Waimea Community Profile
The Waimea CoL/Kāhui Ako is based upon the Waimea Plains, boundaried by Nelson City and Tasman Bay in the east and north, the Moutere Hills to the west and the Richmond Ranges to the east and south. The Waimea CoL/Kāhui Ako is centred upon the rapidly growing town of Richmond, the largest urban settlement in the Tasman District, with a population of around 16,000. Richmond is the hub and service centre of the Waimea Plains, whose traditional economy of forestry, horticulture and orcharding has expanded in recent years with the development of wine-growing, tourism and light industry. The Waimea CoL/Kāhui Ako captures the semi-rural communities, small towns and farms on the plains, including Brightwater and Wakefield, to a distance of about 20kms from Richmond. Schools have developed local goals and curriculum designed to prepare our students for a future where they play a full part in our local community and economy, and this work will be advanced by the COL/Kāhui Ako.